English Language Arts


Spelling sentences due 3/22/13

Check Flowers for Algernon Vocab list on edmodo and complete AVID vocab sheet for all words you do not have completed

All Flowers for Algernon vocab should be completed by 3/22/13

In Class 

3/18-3/22 Spelling words, QUIZ 3/22

*We will be reading the first 20 minutes of class each period from now on, rather than having 20 minutes of reading homework each night*

*****Each student has a personalized AR point goal based on their reading level that must be met by the end of the 3rd quarter****


We will be working on the short story Flowers for Algernon, completing the work in the edmodo folder

Table of Contents

The table of contents (TOC) link above will take you to the updated TOC for our English Language Arts (ELA) Class

Use this resource to keep up with your notebook organization!!!!

Classroom Notes

*Every Friday there will either be a stems quiz or a spelling quiz check this site or student agenda to see which is occuring for each week*

*Every spelling quiz should be corrected (words spelled correctly on original graded quiz) and turned in by Wednesday following quiz, this will earn extra points on quiz!*

*Spelling words are available to study the day they are assigned on spellingcity.com (search Karen Staley)*

*Stems lists are available to study the day they are assigned on quizlet.com (search staley stems ___ *number of stems list*) students are responsible for the highlighted stems and the others are for extra credit*


*Any missing work or assignment’s with a grade that you would like to improve are always welcome*